Saturday, 7 April 2012

Well, what a crazy month this has been. For those of you not in the know, we bought a building in Rimbey. We took possession exactly 6 days prior to the first photo course we are running and it's been a runaway ever since. I won't dwell on the move or the studio(suffice it to say that it is now the coolest studio in central Alberta, my loving wife has the store she always dreamed of, and Jodi has the "spa-iest"
reflexology spa that ever there was) as that will be the subject of many a post in the months to come.
For now, I will try to concentrate on the impending spring coming to the Peace Country. I have been lucky enough to be working with a fellow whom I'm proud to say I've helped re-discover his love of shooting. It's somewhat of a nice change to have someone around who has such a passion for photography. There's the added bonus of all the questions he asks, too. I think the single best thing we can do as photographers is to pass on what little we know to others that are eager to learn. Want to know how much(or how little) you know about your subject? try teaching a course. Formally or just talking with a buddy, it is amazing how much it will build your skills by passing them on to another.
So, we come to the explanation for today's post-"the thing". Said friend asked me for a critique on an image this afternoon-a close up of a twisted jumble of rusted metal that defies description. I looked at the image, and promptly asked him if it was "that.... thing ...the thing they burn the pipeline waste in"( I have probably 30 or so shots of the same item in my library over the last few years-there's just something about it...)
He confirmed that it was, and we launched into a discussion on the impact of derelicts and machinery in photography, etc, etc. 
The point is, creative-minded people tend to see things differently. For example, probably 250+ men and women a day drive past this "thing" and see nothing. But two photography-inclined people independently saw something here that warranted being captured.
And I have no idea why, but when others see the photo, they say "that's so cool", or "neat shot", so I guess we're doing something right!!

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