Saturday, 11 February 2012

Well, my daughter Syd and I finally caught up with the Bohemian Waxwings in town the other day. My Mom had called to say they were swarming her backyard, but by the time we got into town (I was scouting a new eagle watching location-more to follow on that once calving season starts) they had moved on. Syd and I hopped in the truck, and after 15 or 20 minutes found a good sized flock(?) behind the Catholic church. They aren't overly nervous birds, and seemed fairly content to stay put as I sneaked up on them-at least as sneaky as one can be with 15 pounds of glass and camera on a tripod.
If you've not seen a waxwing, you're missing out on one of the most colourful and beautiful birds in western Canada. Here's a quick preview:

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